Blogging tips

Bummers...and Silver Linings


Yesterday, a few fabric samples arrived in the mail - one of them being an ikat I hoped to use on the skirted glider in our nursery (oh yeah, remember THAT project?)
The online image made it look just right...
...But, when the swatch arrived, this is what it looked like in person
Ugh. Can you see the sheen it has? Much less true ikat, much MORE granny than I had in mind. Don't you hate it when that happens? Bummer.

How-EVAH, I was catching up on blogs last night, and lo and behold, saw that Jenny is offering to pick up and ship some of this fantastic (and all-too-perfect-for-my-chair) gray and cream ikat. Laaaaa!
Truly, a Silver Lining.

In other news...Please give Jessica over at Lavender and Lilies some love today - she has kindly selected me to participate in her Featured Bloggers series.
And LASTLY...I'm debating whether or not to head to the Warrenton Antiques Festival tomorrow. I try not to miss the twice-yearly offering of all things vintage, eclectic and cool - it's one of my favorite treks. I'm especially driven to go in order to scout some pieces for a room redo, but I'm sitting at 36 weeks prego, dilated to 3+ cm, and having quite a few (what I hope are) merely Braxton-Hicks contractions.
Dare I traipse around open fields for hours on end? My gut says, GO! (And, OB on Tuesday said I'm probably OK) But there is a part of me that wonders if I'll:

a) Be mistaken for one of the grazing cattle
b) Have the sort of fortune that'll cause my water to break with nothing more than a Volunteer Fire Dept. retiree within 30 miles.
What would YOU do? ;)


Dumbwit Tellher said...

The antiques festival sounds like great fun but I too would worry being far from home already dilated. Too bad you don't have a friend that is also an M.D. or a Nurse to drag along. Seriously you would never be second-guessed for a bovine!

The ikat from Jenny is incredible. I love it. What ever you decide to do this weekend, I hope it is a great one. Before too long you'll be holding that sweet baby! : ) deb

Katie said...

oooo love the second one!

High-Heeled Foot in the door said...

Oh that happened to me too. I order the ikat fabric and had no idea it would be so shiny!

Glad you found something else to use!

Chic Coles said...

There is nothing worse than thinking you found something perfect online and then when you receive it in the mail, it is less than desirable. I love the new one you found though!

my favorite and my best said...

go! maybe you'll be on the local news.

Natalie Catherine said...

oo i love the new fabric choice! that'll be perfect! and i already saw your feature over at lavender and lilies! it was great!

LindsB said...

total bummer on the fabric- I hate when that happens. But at least you were smart and ordered a sample first. And I say yes on the Antiques festival, you will have a blast and NO you could NEVER look like what you said there :) You are beautiful!! (I mean that in a total non-creepy way of course, hahaha)

Morning T said...

You're too cute Alison, I hate to say it but the worrier in me says don't go to Warrenton! :)

Love the second fabric and I'm with you on the first,

I know you have a lot on your plate and all but I'd love to meet you if you are anywhere near Houston (I think you're delivering here, right?) before/after the baby arrives!

Sarah - La Jeune Marie said...

Loving the "plan b" fabric!!

Blondie's Journal said...

I really like the 2nd fabric. You really hit the jackpot with that.

The antique festival sounds lovely. I'd go...but be sure not to overdo it! Go home at first signs of fatigue!

Now I am on my way to see your feature! Have a wonderful weekend.


Erin said...

I enjoyed your Q&A at Lavender & Lilies, and your yellow blog is very happy :)

My Notting Hill said...

That second fabric is fab - looks like it all worked out in the end. Hope Warrenton is fun and that your sweet little baby let's Mommy finish up her antique shopping.

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