Blogging tips



Mary's room is coming along nicely. We were successful in snagging the Craigslist settee I was tipped off about. Rugs, fabric and furniture are trickling in, but, I have to admit, it's all in a state of flux as we assess scale and balance. Anyway, thought you might like a couple of teaser shots...
If you're new here, and wondering what I'm referring to, go here.


my favorite and my best said...

the settee looks pretty fab as is. also is the ginger jar black and white or blue and white?

Jess said...

Gosh, I cannot wait for the final reveal. It looks lovely already!!

Lindsey said...

Lookin good!!! Can't wait for the reveal...seems to be shaping up quite nicely!

Linda at Lime in the Coconut! said...

That setee is the cats pajamas! I love it...can't wait to se your final view!

LindsB said...

such a tease- we need more!

Averill said...

Can't wait to see it all together -- the pieces in these shots are perfect.

Kirsten said...

Umm...I'm gonna need a little more than that! i hope you post more soon :)

Tammy@InStitches said...

Looks like it's going to be fabulous !

Londen @ Sixty-Fifth Avenue said...

I love the peak of the settee, its beautiful!

Style Redux 2 said...

The ginger jar I think is HomeGoods.

Lovely Little Nest said...

Oooh I agree with "my favorite and my best" ~ I'm in love with the settee! Can't wait to see the finished product.

P.S. Be sure to enter my first GIVEAWAY! :)

Anna Liesemeyer said...

Happy to find your blog through Lav and Lillies! Its so lovely! look forward to following..

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