Blogging tips

Why chose one?

Remember the other day I mentioned my latest obsessions with settees and non-matching chairs in a dining room setting?
Keith-Johnson-Philadelphia-09 via high street market
Why should I have to chose one or the other?


marty (A Stroll Thru Life) said...

Love the look. Gorgeous room. Hugs, Marty

Lindsey E. said...

Love, love, love. Those 2 gorgeous lanterns....perfect.

Blondie's Journal said...

I love the way this looks, too. So romantic!


life, in small chunks said...

I could live in that room! Love the chairs.

Averill said...

I love a bench seat at a table AND the idea of mixing up the chairs. It does seem like a hard balance to get right though...I always struggle with how I would do it in my own home.

Lila said...

You definitely shouldn't have to! That's a great dining room.
Lila Ferraro

Mary @ RoomPolish said...

right there with ya! I loooove the hodge-podge chair look in dining rooms. So lived in and it looks fab when done right! lovely image...

Ann said...

And comfy too...

LiveLikeYou said...

It's always more fun to have dinner at a table with unmatched chairs. Not sure why but it is.

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