Reese Witherspoon has already signed on as the beautiful circus performer, Marlena, and Sean Penn is mulling the role of the twisted animal trainer. A promising cast, me thinks.
I'm no circus or (heaven forbid!) clown fan, but if you haven't read WFE, get to it, and get ready to anticipate seeing Pattinson in the film almost as much as you look forward to seeing his sparkly-skinned self in the Twilight series.
Very interesting! I loved that book and think it would be an amazing movie with that cast.
Interesting! I started, but never finished that book-- maybe I should pick it up again!
I just got goosebumps! This is AMAZING news! I just finished the book on Monday and it was SO good... RPattz will be incredible in this role. I can't say enough of how much I loved this book... even though I finished it a couple days ago my mind keeps going over the story again and again!
Thanks for the heads up!
ha ha!!!! i KNEW when i saw the image in your blog on my blog roll where this was going!!! i just read that bit of info myself. i have not read the book but am going to grab it this weekend. right now i am re-reading twilight. as i often do when i am waiting for my next book recommendation. so thanks pal. xo
Whaaaaaaa? YAY! You just made my day. I loved the book -- one of my faves ever. Reese + RPattz = perfection! Can't wait.
I think this one that I need to read, I know my daughter will if the notorious actor is involved!
I have never read this book, but may have to give it a try!
Loved the book. I hope they stay true to the story.
I've never read this book. Thanks for the recommendation.
Wow, I would definately see that! I think this post would fit nicely with a new party I am hosting.
Beginning Feb 2nd, I am hosting a party every Tuesday on all timeless classis things ~ interior design, fashion, special occassions and entertaining, art, ..... See how this post fits right in?!!
Your blog is one of my classics now so I hope you and your readers join the party.
Here is a link to let you know more about it ~ http://paulagracedesigns.blogspot.com/2010/01/timeless-tuesday.html
Looking forward to seeing you and your readers there!
Paula Grace ~ting.
I'm not really a fan of his (well, not in Twilight anyway) but I do LOVE Water for Elephants! It's one of my favorite books and I couldn't be more excited to see it made into a movie!
I LOVED Water for Elephants - so happy that they are making it into a film.
ooh I have to read it!
I've also read the book. that would be interesting
I would watch anything he is in over and over- hottieeee!
I have been wanting to read this, now this gives me more of a reason!
Thanks for the thumbs up. The story isn't about animal cruelty is it. I can't take it - can't read about it or see it. That's why I live far away from the maddening crowd.
oh how interesting! I've not read it.. I forget what I was nervous about possibly being in there, but perhaps the push I need to check it out!
I've given you a Sunshine Award (I thought so appropriate given your Blog name). :-) Hope all is well.
This book has been sitting in my "to read" pile for ages now...I need to get to it before the movie comes out!
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