Blogging tips

It'd be a Cold Day...


...In Brazil before I'd be able to use this WSH fabric on the glider in the nursery (let's just say it's a wee bit cost-prohibitive) - but it IS fabulous, and a girl can dream, right? This is the effect I'd get...
Nice, huh?

Oh, need your input on another chair option. Because the glider was not a high-quality piece of furniture, the padding is not adequate. I always put a bed pillow behind me when I nursed Avery. I've asked the upholsterer to include additional padding in the estimate, and I've even considered having it tufted...
What's your thoughts on tufting with a patterned fabric? Would it distort any sort of striped/chevron/ fabric too much? If I consider tufting, am I limited to more of a floral or abstract pattern? Anyone have any experience with this?


Averill said...

I think tufting works best on smaller patterns or solids -- it can definitely wreck havouc on larger patterns.

And that WSH chair IS fantastic. I love their stuff so much; I just wish I could afford more of it!

Caitlin said...

although not as good as quality, I've seen a few amazing knockoffs of this fabric at great pieces. Do you want links?

Sarah - La Jeune Marie said...

I would not use tufting on a larger graphic print like a chevron if it we're me. I can't wait to see what you do end up with though!! :)

Melanie said...

I love anything tufted! That chair is gorgeous. I don't know if you would want tufted for your sitting chair with the baby. Would it be comfortable, do you think?

AppleTree said...

I love the look of tufted, but let me tell you, if the child ukes over your shoulder into one of the tufts, it is hard to clean up.

God I just sounded like my mother. ugh.

MyLittleHappyPlace said...

Melanie & AppleTree - You both make a great point about spit-up and tufting. I'm certainly reconsidering, now!

Mrs. Limestone said...

I love tufting...i just think its better when its a solid fabric.

Love that WS zebra fabric...but you could sell me on pretty much anything in that perfect shade of gray.

Jane said...

Hi there - I had a chair with hard arms in my nurseries, which was a pain but I just put up with it with pillows. Amazing what you put up with when you are completely sleep deprived. Anyway it was a great chair with a nice high back and am only now 7 years later recovering it as it has worn so well.

I have to say I think you need a chair like the first with a cushion you can take off and clean. I would never never do tufting on a chair you are going to nurse in. It will just look really scungy within about 2 months. xoxo

Morning T said...

I love the tufted chair and that incredible fabric but I do think it would be distorted with all of the tufting. Big decisions....

La Maison Fou said...

Nice, I like the zebra print, pattern but nicely done, the tufting is also nice!

Linda at Lime in the Coconut! said...

Hmmm. I kinda agree with the tufting and nursing dilema...unless you slipcover it in the interim...but then what is the point?

Decisions, decisions?

Chic Coles (Cole Design) said...

We have this pattern in light blue on pillows in our house and LOVE them!

Lavender and Lilies said...

I know! I have been lusting over that fabric for months! I think tufting is a fabulous idea.

Kathysue said...

I am not sure the tufting will feel as comfortable as the WSH chair. I am with the others I only like tufting in a solid fabric. You have great style so it will be fun to see what you choose. Kathysue

my favorite and my best said...

that tufted chair is lovely. get a knock off of that fabric. there are loads loads out there.

lemondropdreams said...

Tufting doesn't know work on stripes, I actually have a half-assed tufted job b/c I did not know this before I bought all the fabric. Try to use something where there is not a distinct repeat or a solid, then you can tuft away!

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