Blogging tips


Photo courtesy of Left-Handed Robot's Flickr Photostream

I'm not a big fan of resolutions. I don't understand why people feel compelled to set goals that may or may not be realistic simply because the calendar reads January 1. Rather than have New Year's Resolutions, I prefer to take some time to review, reassess, and if need be, do what I call a little "alignment hygiene."

Two thousand eight brought several challenges to our family (mostly geographic), and like many, we too have come to a vivid realization - living with less, wanting less, "needing" less is actually a rather liberating experience. Somehow, craving the newest this, or the nicest that is no longer something to which I can relate.** It doesn't make me enlightened or superior, just re-prioritized.

I certainly have goals to accomplish in this fresh year, but overall, my hope is to continue a journey of living openly. If I can do that with an ounce of grace and generosity of spirit I will feel "resolved" long beyond 2009.

**Don't worry, I'm not going spartan on you - MLHP will still feature some too-good-to-be-true design yummies!


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