Blogging tips

Mental Hygiene

Just in case you were wondering, there's no baby news yet.  I'm a week from Due Date today, so the official Kettle Watching has begun.  As I waddle around our neighborhood, I catch glimpses of passersby with that look of 'Wow, you're about to pop - don't do it here, please."  Good times.

Things have been really hectic 'round Casa Portu-Giese.  We've had to attend to some major issues in our US affaires, and all of it has had both Ben and I mentally drained.  It's times like this when I tend to pull back from things like blogs and (to a lesser degree), Pinterest because I feel like I let them unduly influence my scope of reality.  You could say I'm performing a little mental alignment hygiene.
Summer is a good time to do that.
Pre-baby is a very good time to do that.

I've also been reading The War of Art by Steven Pressfield about overcoming inner creative battles.  So often, people who are called to creative endeavors are challenged by severe inner Resistance that keeps them from being their Ultimate Self.  If it sounds hokey to you, you've perhaps been lucky in not experiencing it.  I have it in droves, but instead of just calling it Resistance, I call it my Gremlin.  That nagging inner voice that lives to create self doubt anyway she can.
Anyway, so far, the book is very promising, and I'll share my take when I'm done. 

That's not to say I'm totally forgoing internet eye candy.   How perfect is this Globetrotter wallpaper?

I know.

Stay tuned for Baby G updates...


LindsB said...

I LOVE THAT PAPER!! It might even take over the #1 spot by my beloved city park paper. I need it, have to have it!

spark! (Ada-Marie) said...

Hang in there, Alison! Can't wait to hear all about the book. I suffer from lots of the inner gremlins too! xxoo

Anonymous said...

Great paper! hope all is going well and this baby arrives soon. And then you can get up here to VA!

mrs. V | Chez V said...

The inner gremlin and I are real tight. Can't wait to hear about the book. Should I read it?

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