Blogging tips

Make it a Double


Now that we have two chilluns residing at Casa Giese, we're shuffling our three bedrooms a bit - losing our ever-welcoming, yet hardly-used guest bedroom.

Our three year old, Avery, will take up residence in said guest room, and Isla, the newborn will inherit Avery's smaller, old room as her nursery.

Ben has lamented my decision to put a set of twin beds I redid with new paint, bedding, etc. into Avery's room - rather than keep the queen bed. He claims we won't have anything decent to offer guests, and no adult cares to sleep in a twin bed. I agree about the comfort level of a twin, but I rebut with:
a) We've rarely had overnight guests - and don't foresee having many in the near future.
b) I can't bear the thought of not using the design I just finished for Avery's room less than a year ago.

If I had a do-over, I'd pick up on a trend I feel is a perfect solution: a set of double beds. Not typically seen outside of hotels, but really, what a great compromise: more room and comfort than a single, while maintaining symmetry and separation - in the event of non-married guests.

Bunny Williams' (non-hotelish) application of two doubles was featured recently in Lonny.
bunny williams in lonny via decorpad

In a more cottage or rustic setting, two of those vintage not-quite-twin, but not-quite-double beds would certainly be charming.
two doubles via southern aspirations

However, if like us, you've got twin beds to work with, you could always use them together, as Meg Braff did in this Jamaican beach home.
yellow twins via coastal living

I absolutely love the look, and it makes a set of twins seem less Donna Reed.

What do you think? Substitute doubles when budget and space allow, or stick to twins?

*Images via MLHP, Lonny, Southern Aspirations, Coastal Living


Full House said...

I am so glad you posted the bottom 2 photos. I am currently working on a room for triplets and our space is SO small. I'm thinking I many just try pushing 3 beds's either that or a bunkbed.

Lindsey Encinias said...

Anything in a set is precious...
Can't wait to see what you do!

designstiles said...

I would so pick doubles if space allowed. Twins are okay too, especially if you worked on them not too long ago. Sure, they may not be the most comfortable, but twin bed is better than no bed.

Belly said...

Those two last photos are gorgeous!
I just read today on House Beautiful that you should decorate for the 350 days in the year, not the 15 left. Meaning, if you only have guests 2-3 days a year, that shouldn't dictate your decor decisions.

Stephanie Sabbe said...

ahhh, I hope I have 2 girls one day and can make a twin bed girl room.I loooove!

my favorite and my best said...

love the idea of doubles. but two twins together is pretty cool too.
if you can't do the doubles i'd definitely put the twins together.
that way you have the option of pulling them apart.

Vintage Junky said...

This post came at a perfect time. We bought 2 twins for a guest room in our imaginary dream home. Now, we are wanting to put them together to make a king... a king mattress will fit on 2 twins together. But, now I am wondering if this would be okay for our room like this....
I think with the way they are designed that they wouldn't fit quite flush and there may be a crack, instead of fitting like the last 2

Julie said...

I've been thinking about this, too, and blogged about it. I have always felt like two twin beds looks childish, but it's popping up in design mags right and left and I think it looks so great and symmetrical in a new, interesting way. If you have the space for two double beds, I think it'd be great. I envision a family staying in that room, like a hotel, if you have adult guests with children. But I also like the above person's advice about decorating for 350 days out of the year.

The Other Me (is sane) said...

Stick to twins because the main function of the room is to be your child's room. Any guest you have should feel appreciation for a nice bed during their stay, no matter the size.

Anonymous said...

my husband have been sleeping on two twinXL mattresses pushed together on one headboard for 30 years and it has been comfortable for us. We use one king cover. I love the look of twins pushed together and I would consider it a lovely guest room or a kool kids room. the second twin could be used for sleepovers.

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