The August issue of Vogue features Gwyneth Paltrow; an interview and spread to promote her new cookbook, My Father's Daughter.
I'm not a subscriber to her lifestyle newsletter, GOOP, but every once in awhile I'll take a peek at what 'ol Gwynnie has to say. I'm part of that faction of people who's palate is flavored with a love/hate taste for Paltrow, but she has a keen eye for design aesthetic, (as seen by her Hamptons home, featured in House and Garden a few years back), and for that, I give her serious cred.
Now, she's apparently showcasing her culinary skills in her oh-so-perfect kitchens. From what Vogue food writer, Jeffrey Steingarten, says (nay, gushes) girlfriend can hold her own. Of course she does have a "culinary assistant" to help. This does nothing to lessen the jealous distaste half of my opinion. Neither do the beautiful Testino images accompanying the article...

She does look rather perfect and fresh, no? Do you think it's good living habits, or the ever-so-slight touch of a plastic surgeon/aesthetician combo? Discuss.
I have the same love/hate for Gwyneth. Jealousy, really. She is so perfect, fresh and fabulous each time she's photographed. I wonder if her life is as perfect as it seems?
I despise her, she is soooo full of herself and completely out of touch with reality. I don't understand why anyone listens her lifestyle advice. Her life doesn't relate to any normal persons. Of course she's thin, her house is perfect and she always looks immaculate. Anyone that could afford a team of trainers, cooks, decorators and any number of other minions could be fabulous.
I agree...sometimes I love Gwynnie, sometimes she gets on my nerves. I think living a healthy lifestyle contributes to her look, more than plastic surgery. But, when you have your own chef, personal trainer, nanny, etc., you have time to work on yourself. She did have a great soup recipe in Goop the other day. May have to try that one.
Love/hate for sure but when I see her on talk shows she does seem like a normal, down to earth person. She's undeniably beautiful and I'm certain there's more to it than just eating right and exercising!
Happy Friday Alison.
I don't think she looks plastic surgery . . . but she sure does have an entourage to help!I think all of us could look fresh and put together with enough people and endless financials to help. I've tried a few of her recipes from GOOP and have been pleasantly surprised.
Goop is interesting, albeit a little strange...never tried the recipes although I'd like to have a peek at her book. I have seen her in interviews and in movies and I have always thought she was a nice combo of class & boho...if that's possible. I also envy that she is married to Chris Martin, my big time crush!
She fascinates me in the same way a traffic accident would.
Let's note that she isn't eating the food, merely posing next to it.
Gwyneth is beautiful and has great style, but that's about all I can say for her. Every interview I've ever read with her confirms my opinion that she's a huge snob. She is one of these elite snobs that thinks she's above the public that has made her what she is. Can't stand her....and not b/c I'm jealous.
she only gets on my nerves in the way that pure perfection can do. She really is perfect in so many ways... that hair, that skin, those legs!
I don't read goop though - that super bugged me. I did have an alarmingly realistic dream once that she and I hung out together in London and made for the best gal-pals. Sigh.
i think she is beautiful... dont always agree with her lifestyle choices but a talented woman ...
Whatever she's doing to stay looking so fresh....I wanna know!
So fresh and so pure. I too have a love/hate thing. I don't subscribe to GOOP, but inevitably before I visit any city she may have GOOPd on, I check that junk out. And chick never leads me astray. Soooo what can ya do? Buy the damn book I guess and hope somehow the glowfy fresh pureness rubs off through osmosis, and the annoying stick up the ass condescending junk doesn't!
I love Gwyneth Paltrow and though I don't normally admit it, I check out GOOP once in a while too!
ooohhh gwynnie...i love her and hate her equally. i am always grossed out by her urge to pretend she is one of us yet regale us with her shopping, cooking and personal trainer stories.
in fact in my workout dvd she talks about people who say " how do you do it? i can't find the time...i have kids and i work"...and she's all.."yeah...well...i do too" not exactly gwyneth, not exactly.
oh...and she is the product of good genes and lots and lots of money.
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