Blogging tips



It's been hot. Really hot. Too hot to be this pregnant, and without central air conditioning. (Remember, the seasons are opposite in South America, so we're in the peak of a Brazilian summer.) The weather here in Brasilia is rather arid, in fact, we crack up because all the natives complain about it being "soooo dry." I'll take the dry heat over swamp humidity any day, but when the air blowing in the windows feels like a brick oven hyperventilating, all I can do is wish for some cool, blue water.

Carnaval, Brasil's much-celebrated version of Mardi Gras, is right around the corner. Thousands of people will flock to the festival's epicenters in Rio and Bahia - the northern coast. I imagine, however, there will also be many who slip away to places far less crowded, that still offer a nice little respite before "real life" begins again after Ash Wednesday.

Places like Fernando de Noronha - an archipelago off the northern coast that is also a UNESCO World Heritage site and a Marine National Park. The number of visitors allowed in the park at any given time is limited to 460, so it's also known as a place where the Who's Who go for peace and privacy. (Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardim vacay'd there to work on their pre-awards season tan)

pousada maravilha

noronha at sunset

*last three images by Alex Robinson

Or heading south, to Florianopolis, a place that promises the allure of an old-world city along with stunning beaches.

downtown florianopolis by meurer

Yes, we have lots of ground to cover yet in this vast Country. Wishing you all a warm weekend!


marty (A Stroll Thru Life) said...

Oh what gorgeous views. All of your pictures are just wonderful. I do so agree, that a dry heat is so much easier to handle. I can't take humidity and I just have to have air conditioning. Hope you get some cool weather soon. Hugs, Marty

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

what a gorgeous daughter you have, bless her

Anita Davis said...

thanks for your post -- the blue water is amazing.
...wondering if you saw my post from today. jeesh.

my favorite and my best said...

oh oh oh dear god in heaven.
yes please.

Kathysue said...

Calgon take me away. Amazing views and the colors in the water are amazing. Thank you for sharing such gorgeous pictures, including the little doll baby. What a darling little girl. Kathysue

Blondie's Journal said...

Beautiful pictures, Alison!! The water looks turquoise!! What wonderful places to get away from it all.

I hope for your sake that you get some cooler weather. And your daughter is just precious!! :-)


Sarah Ann said...

If you want, I have lots and lots and lots of snow to share. We just got another 4 inches last night!

Lisa @ lists in my pocket said...

Those pictures are beautiful! Tempted to look up plane tickets right now. :)

Katie said...

yes, please.

Morning T said...

So beautiful! We are finally seeing the sunshine today for the first time all week. You'd be miserable here too as it's been damp and chilly.
Happy weekend to you and your cute family!

Melanie said...

Honey, I could sure use some sunshine and warm weather. This Florida girl is missing her flip flops. Five insches of snow last night and it is going to be 12 degrees tonight:( I am so over it!

Bailey @ peppermintbliss said...

I want to go to there.
And your daughter is ridiculously cute.

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